Since 2.3.0-BETA, for the convenience of displaying different information in different ways, various PlaceholderAPI placeholders have been added.
Please make sure you have PlaceholderAPI installed properly.
Warning: Placeholder might not parse / return ...
or none
if the player did not join any room / dungeon.
If your PlaceholderAPI's placeholders aren't parsing, please check here.
Dungeon Room Placeholders
Room's Dungeon Group
Room's Dungeon Group name
Room's ID
Room's current players amount
Room's minimum players amount
Room's maximum players amount
Timestamp of the room created
Room's visibility in menu
Room's state (WAITING
Room's owner (Regular Room only)
Room's privacy (Regular Room only)
Room's password (Regular Room only)
Dungeon Group Placeholders
Dungeon Group's name
Dungeon Group's type
Dungeon Group's minimum players amount
Dungeon Group's maximum players amount
Dungeon Group's visibility
Dungeon Placeholders
Dungeon's ID
Dungeon's Origin world
Dungeon's Origin x-axis
Dungeon's Origin y-axis
Dungeon's Origin z-axis
Dungeon's current players amount
Dungeon's player death count
Dungeon's team death count
Timestamp of the dungeon started
Dungeon's state (NOT_STARTED
Last updated