Building Dungeon

Reminder: Unless specified, Dungeon Type will be named Ruins throughout the Wiki. Change it respectively.

Since 2.2.2-SNAPSHOT, schematic file is no longer hard-dependency if you have all 3 dimensions Length, Width, and Height configured. It provides a possibility to use the plugin with the dungeon pre-built in the world.

However, it is still highly recommended to have a schematic file in place so that the plugin calculates things like location automatically.

Also, it is recommended to have RestoreTerrains disabled in general.yml if have a huge dungeon and you do not allow players to break/place blocks, explosions, etc. In this case, you should have all dungeon instances pasted in the world already and all 3 dimensions configured.

  • Join the server

  • Build a dungeon whatever you want (it does not need to be a cuboid but it has to be selectable by 2 points)

Creating schematic

  • Type //wand to get a WorldEdit wand

  • Select 2 corners like this, the selected area should include everything in your dungeon

  • Stand at the corner of the dungeon, type //copy, then //schem save Ruins

  • Do not move, remember the location, this will be the Origin of the dungeon

  • Locate WorldEdit/schematics or FastAsyncWorldEdit/schematics, find the Ruins.schem

  • Copy the Ruins.schem to MythicDungeons/Ruins/schematics

Last updated