Dungeon Group Config

Warning: The sample config is purely for reference only. Do not copy & paste, change the parameters like location, and mob type accordingly.

Dungeon Group is the type of dungeon, all the dungeon instances share the same arguments. But dungeon-specific arguments like origin, and player spawns are automatically calculated.

As of MythicDungeons 3.0.0, Dungeon Group Config has been split into multiple config files. This would provide a bigger flexibility for future updates.

The following items are minimum requirements for a working dungeon.

  • MythicDungeons/groups/Ruins/

    • schematics/

      • Ruins.schem

    • general.yml

    • stages.yml

In the following example, the following items are required for the dungeon to work.

  • A world named dungeon

  • Ruins.schem located inside Ruins/schematics

  • MythicMob SkeletalKnight declared in MythicMobs

Additionally, different config files can be added to expand the content of the dungeon.

Last updated